A brief guide on some of the ways you can help aid in preserving the coral reefs of the world.
When Visiting Coral Reefs

Practice safe and responsible diving and snorkelling methods is a must when visiting a coral reef of any sorts. Avoid touching reefs and anchoring your boat in a reef structure as it can unsettle or destabilise their roots causing them to detach from the rocks and drift to the ocean floor. Direct contact with a reef without proper trading can result in damage to the delicate coral and inhabiting animals, anchoring in the reef can kill corals, so look for sandy bottom or use moorings, if possible.
Take a reef-friendly approach to sun protection. Some ingredients in sunscreen can be harmful to or even kill corals. In a 2016 study, minternational scientists found that a common chemical in many sunscreen lotions and cosmetics is highly toxic to juvenile corals and other marine life. Oxybenzone, or BP-3, which is common Ingredient found in more than 3,500 skin care products worldwide for protection against the sun's harmful effects. By choosing to use a product that is BP-3 free can make a difference when swimming near coral, another option is to cut down on sunscreen altogether by wearing a long-sleeved swim shirt when possible.
Every Day Ways
The next series of ways in which you can reduce your impact on the coral reef don’t just apply to ocean life but can and often do have an effect on the climate as a hole, so By adopting these guidelines can have a positive impact in areas of your own community as well as the world on a hole.
Recycle and dispose of trash properly. Debris can often be found within the ocean and is harmful to coral reefs. Recycling your trash at home and on the go especially plastic, small pieces and always remember the three R’s reduce, reuse, and recycle. When disposing of trash, do it properly in bins, to avoid trash being blown or washed away into waterways and oceans. On beaches, make sure you leave no trash behind, and never throw or leave any cigarette butts in the sand. Another item to be particular aware of is balloons as these can be easily carried by the wind for miles and end up in ocean and as they are plastic based they can remain there making all sorts of negative impacts.
Use environmentally-friendly modes of transportation. Instead of driving a car, try to walk, bike, or use public transport like buses and trains more often. If you are planning to buy a car, choose a more fuel-efficient vehicle like a hybrid or electric car. Using these cleaner transportation methods can help reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses that are emitted into the atmosphere. These emissions contribute to ocean acidification and increased ocean temperature. More acidic ocean waters impede coral growth and warmer waters cause coral bleaching.
Save energy at home and at work. You can save energy at home by turning off lights and electronic devises when not using them and opting to buy energy-efficient appliances such as smart meter or timed appliances that only use power when needed. At work, try to turn the lights and your computer off when you leave and opt to use more renewable and lasting office equipment such as a ink efficient printer.

Ive included this printable leaflet with just highlights of the information for you to print out for yourself or to hand out to other who you believe could benefit from this information.